0206 Interlinear Index Study 0206 MAT 024 031 And he shall send <0649 -apostello -> his angels <0032 -aggelos -> with a great <3173 -megas -> sound <5456 -phone -> of a trumpet <4536 -salpigx -> , and they shall gather <1996 -episunago -> together <1996 -episunago -> his elect <1588 -eklektos -> from the four <5064 -tessares -> winds <0417 -anemos -> , from one end <{0206} -akron -> of heaven <3772 -ouranos -> to the other <1565 -ekeinos -> . 0206 MAR 013 027 And then <5119 -tote -> shall he send <0649 -apostello -> his angels <0032 -aggelos -> , and shall gather <1996 -episunago -> together <1996 -episunago -> his elect <1588 -eklektos -> from the four <5064 -tessares -> winds <0417 -anemos -> , from the uttermost <0206 -akron -> part of the earth <1093 -ge -> to the uttermost <{0206} -akron -> part of heaven <3772 -ouranos -> . 0206 MAR 013 027 And then <5119 -tote -> shall he send <0649 -apostello -> his angels <0032 -aggelos -> , and shall gather <1996 -episunago -> together <1996 -episunago -> his elect <1588 -eklektos -> from the four <5064 -tessares -> winds <0417 -anemos -> , from the uttermost <{0206} -akron -> part of the earth <1093 -ge -> to the uttermost <0206 -akron -> part of heaven <3772 -ouranos -> . 0206 LUK 016 024 And he cried 5455 -phoneo - and said 2036 -epo - , Father 3962 -pater - Abraham 11 , have mercy 1653 -eleeo - on me , and send 3992 -pempo - Lazarus 2976 -Lazaros - , that he may dip LUK 0911 -bapto - the tip {0206} -akron - of his finger 1147 -daktulos - in water 5204 -hudor - , and cool 2711 -katapsucho - my tongue 1100 -glossa - ; for I am tormented 3600 -odunao - in this 5026 -taute - flame 5395 -phlox - . 0206 HEB 011 021 By faith <4102 -pistis -> Jacob <2384 -Iakob -> , when he was a dying <0599 -apothnesko -> , blessed <2127 -eulogeo -> both <1538 -hekastos -> the sons <5207 -huios -> of Joseph <2501 -Ioseph -> ; and worshipped <4352 -proskuneo -> , [ leaning ] upon the top <{0206} -akron -> of his staff <4464 -rhabdos -> . ~~~~~~