0102 Interlinear Index Study 0102 MAT 019 026 But Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> beheld <1689 -emblepo -> [ them ] , and said <2036 -epo -> unto them , With men <0444 -anthropos -> this <5124 -touto -> is impossible <{0102} -adunatos -> ; but with God <2316 -theos -> all <3956 -pas -> things are possible <1415 -dunatos -> . 0102 MAR 010 027 And Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> looking <1689 -emblepo -> upon them saith <3004 -lego -> , With men <0444 -anthropos -> [ it is ] impossible <{0102} -adunatos -> , but not with God <2316 -theos -> : for with God <2316 -theos -> all <3956 -pas -> things are possible <1415 -dunatos -> . 0102 LUK 018 027 And he said 2036 -epo - , The things which are impossible {0102} -adunatos - with men LUK 0444 -anthropos - are possible 1415 -dunatos - with God 2316 -theos - . 0102 ACT 014 008 . And there sat <2521 -kathemai -> a certain <5100 -tis -> man <0435 -aner -> at <1722 -en -> Lystra <3082 -Lustra -> , impotent <{0102} -adunatos -> in his feet <4228 -pous -> , being <5225 -huparcho -> a cripple <5560 -cholos -> from his mother s <3384 -meter -> womb <2836 -koilia -> , who <3739 -hos -> never <3763 -oudepote -> had walked <4043 -peripateo -> : 0102 ROM 008 003 For what <3588 -ho -> the law <3551 -nomos -> could <{0102} -adunatos -> not do , in that it was weak <0770 -astheneo -> through <1223 -dia -> the flesh <4561 -sarx -> , God <2316 -theos -> sending <3992 -pempo -> his own <1438 -heautou -> Son <5207 -huios -> in the likeness <3667 -homoioma -> of sinful <0266 -hamartia -> flesh <4561 -sarx -> , and for sin <0266 -hamartia -> , condemned <2632 -katakrino -> sin <0266 -hamartia -> in the flesh <4561 -sarx -> : 0102 ROM 015 001 . We then <1161 -de -> that are strong <1415 -dunatos -> ought <3784 -opheilo -> to bear <0941 -bastazo -> the infirmities <0771 -asthenema -> of the weak <{0102} -adunatos -> , and not to please <0700 -aresko -> ourselves <1438 -heautou -> . 0102 HEB 006 004 For [ it is ] impossible <{0102} -adunatos -> for those <3588 -ho -> who were once <0530 -hapax -> enlightened <5461 -photizo -> , and have tasted <1089 -geuomai -> of the heavenly <2032 -epouranios -> gift <1431 -dorea -> , and were made <1096 -ginomai -> partakers <3353 -metochos -> of the Holy <0040 -hagios -> Ghost <4151 -pneuma -> , 0102 HEB 006 018 That by two <1417 -duo -> immutable <0276 -ametathetos -> things , in which <3739 -hos -> [ it was ] impossible <{0102} -adunatos -> for God <2316 -theos -> to lie <5574 -pseudomai -> , we might have <2192 -echo -> a strong <2478 -ischuros -> consolation <3874 -paraklesis -> , who <3588 -ho -> have fled <2703 -katapheugo -> for refuge <2703 -katapheugo -> to lay hold <2902 -krateo -> upon the hope <1680 -elpis -> set <4295 -prokeimai -> before <4295 -prokeimai -> us : 0102 HEB 010 004 For [ it is ] not possible <{0102} -adunatos -> that the blood <0129 -haima -> of bulls <5022 -tauros -> and of goats <5131 -tragos -> should take <0851 -aphaireo -> away <0851 -aphaireo -> sins <0266 -hamartia -> . 0102 HEB 011 006 But without <5565 -choris -> faith <4102 -pistis -> [ it is ] impossible <{0102} -adunatos -> to please <2100 -euaresteo -> [ him ] : for he that cometh <4334 -proserchomai -> to God <2316 -theos -> must <1163 -dei -> believe <4100 -pisteuo -> that he is , and [ that ] he is a rewarder <3406 -misthapodotes -> of them that diligently <1567 -ekzeteo -> seek <1567 -ekzeteo -> him . ~~~~~~